Wednesday, March 3, 2010

IT'S A......

We're SO excited to be having a little girl this August! So far everything looks so good! It's fun to be able to see the ultrasound pictures and see that her little heart is pumping well and she's developing perfectly! It looks like she has an attitude though, or is at least very active! She likes to kick and flip and doesn't like to let the doctors see what they need to see! (The sonographer even said it looked like she was flipping us off once! HAHA)
So far so good! I feel like a cow but haven't actually gained much weight...YET :-S We are thinking about two names right now but probably will go back and forth over the next few months. Hannah - my favorite for the time being, and Maddison.


The Idaho Olsens said...
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The Idaho Olsens said...

Congrats...Kylee and Chase are so excited to have a new cousin. I really like the name Hannah...I also think it is cool that it is a name that can be spelled forwards and backwards the is such a cute name...

Sorry I am the one who had the deleted comment, because I spelled something wrong... dar, dar, dar :o) Congrats, we love you guys!!

Joy Salmon said...

I love the name madison and congrats! we are so happy for you two :)

Anonymous said...

So excited for you guys!! And I LOVE both those names! ☺

Rosanne said...

Congratulations! I am very excited for you both. I love both names, good luck picking which one to name her. I hope all goes well the rest of your pregnancy!

Jenna and Bob said...

I like both names. Good choices. Congrats!!!!

Jaden and Stacy said...

Congrats! Girls are so much fun! you will have a lot of fun making her all cute and girly. At least I did with Kysa. Congrats again!

Aubrey said...

So EXCITING! Thats funny what the doctor said. ;)