Monday, January 25, 2010

Long time = new news

It's been a long time since I've written! Some new things going on...
Mike and I started school again - it feels like we'll always been in school!
I took a permanent position at Foothill HS - I'm doing more office work than working with students, it's different but means less stress and more time for school!

We're expecting! These are pictures of our 12+ week old baby. We're very excited and are due the first week of August!

A few profile pics and one of the bottom of one foot and the side of the other!


The Idaho Olsens said...

Congrats, we are so excited for you. Kylee and Chase can't wait to have another cousin!! Are you going to find out what you are having...We love you!!

Natalie said...

I am so excited for you guys!!! I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl!!! How exciting!! :) Hope you've been feeling well and everything!

Jaden and Stacy said...

Yippy! Yippy! Yippy! Oh man I am so excited! Congratulations! Are you just so excited? Why did you have an ultrasound so early? Everything good? When do you find out what you are having? Keep us updated!!!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you guys!! Hope you guys are doing good, lets get together soon!

Joy Salmon said...

hooray! I am super stoked for you guys on all of the good news! good luck with school! Hope all is going well with the pregnancy!

Aubrey said...

so exciting!! :D Ronnie will have 3 new babies to meet when he gets home, between your family and mine. So exciting. Hope everything is well and you're healthy. Cant wait to find out if its a girl or boy! :D

Jenna and Bob said...

So excited to hear about the new job and baby! So glad to hear that you are doing well. I am happy for you!! I call throwing you a baby shower!