Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Mission!

In that last post I mentioned that my husband served a mission for our church just before we were married. I thought it would be nice to talk a little more about it and what a wonderful thing it was!
In August of 2005 Mike left Henderson to venture to the distant land known as Provo, UT. While there for two months Mike studied every day with many many other guys and girls to learn as much as they could about the Filipino culture, languages, and read and study more about the Gospel.

In October Michael left for the Philippines where he would serve the rest of his mission (22 more months). While there he experienced things that most of us couldn't imagine. He saw things, did things, and ate things that would make most of us remember why we love America so much! :o)
(Mike eating a boiled duck fetus)

He fell in love with it there! The beautiful country, the beautiful culture, and the beautiful people!

Now, lots of people don't know why these 19year old boys and 21 year old girls go out and submit themselves to this kind of stuff - because, trust me, it is no 2 year or 1 1/2 year vacation!

The real reason is the best part of all. Michael, as well as thousands of others go out to serve these missions everyday because they know and understand that when they do so, they take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ and covenant (promise with God) to do those things that Jesus himself would do. Michael spent his days working. He walked all over his assigned areas not only preaching and testifying of Savior Jesus Christ, but also working as a servant to those people who felt themselves like nothing more than that.

(Michael with a family)

He helped them, befriended them, gave comfort to them, and blessed. These missionaries help bring the Gospel to those who may not otherwise get to know it, and those who may not fully understand it. What a wonderful thing!
(Mike was able to baptize this girl)

I am so happy that I have a husband who knows who he is and who as grow so much stronger because of things he has done for other people.

1 comment:

The Idaho Olsens said...

I am so excited that you have a blog now...I look forward to reading it!