Friday, October 2, 2009

SO excited for Fall!!!!!

I am so bad at keeping up to date in here so I thought Id come say a little something and post a few more pics!

I am so excited that Fall is here! It always makes me so happy when it cools down and all of those nostalgic feelings that come with it!

Tomorrow is General Conference! I love this weekend! It is always so nice to get to hear the Prophet and all those who are inspired to help us and teach us!

Our house is so nice and I am so excited that we have it! But as we all know "with a great house comes great repairs!" haha! I love it and its fun to get to do these things but Id love it even more if it didn't cost anything!

To date we have pulled the tacky bricks out of the front yard, replaced the garbage disposal (my first time ever and I am glad to report - its awesome!), hung blinds, and kind-of sort-of decorated.

Still to do: replace kitchen faucet, replace dishwasher (eventually re-do WHOLE kitchen), scrape and paint the trim, fix the garage door, clean up and redesign front and back yards, scrape paint and replace fencing around patio, paint interior, paint exterior, get the vents cleaned, remove old water softener and patch holes in garage.........and who knows what else!!!

anyway - here are a few pics.

a little fall decoration

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our New Home! (and Il Divo)


We closed our the house just over a week ago and are all moved in and loving it!

Mike is the best! I can't even say how much I appreciate all he has done for me and for us! I'll post more about the house later!
We also went to see Il Divo with mom and dad! What a great show! They are such wonderful singers! *Thanks again mom and dad! We love you!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Weekend

Well, its been interesting! Michael and his buddy Dallin left yesterday for Prescott, AZ to help Mike's grandpa get the cabin cleaned up. With him gone I decided to go to a concert with a friend of mine.

Theres a new country duo, Joey and Rory, and they played here last night! I LOVE THEM! It was such a great show!

Well, after a late night and getting up late, I got a few things done and got a call from mike later in the afternoon.

He had been riding ATVs with Dallin and some how crashed and fractured a rib! I feel so bad! I know it's not too big of a deal and it's a lot better than it could have been, but my heart still stopped when he told me!
We are still newly wed and since we've been married all of the medical issues have been with me so it kind of freaks me out!
It's all good though! He's fine, I made sure everything was ok and then laughed it off!
It's been a good weekend so far, but its not over yet! Hopefully that was as much excitement we'll see for now!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Love General Conference!!!!!!

I am so glad to have watched General Conference this weekend! The speakers were great! Especially Elder Holland!!

I can't wait for the Ensign to come out next month because I have a hard time remembering things!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our Anniversary

We just celebrated our first anniversary on the 5th. I thought it would be fun for us to go to Disneyland one last time. I know we have gone a lot but it was the last time we could use our annual pass and we probably won't go for a long time. All I wanted to do was stay in a nice room so we got this one right across the street from the park.
haha - it's not all that fancy but the tub was nice!
On the way home we were supposed to stop by our friends Jenna and Bob's home because Jenna said she had a gift for us. She called a few hours out of Vegas and gave us a wonderful surprise! I couldn't believe it - It was so nice and we actually got to do something on our real anniversary instead of just over the weekend. Michael and I got to stay two nights in the Wynn!

On Monday night we bought a $5 pizza and took it to our room! It was so fun! :o)

Our room was on the 37th floor. We were a couple floors under the W! It was SO nice!!! :o)

I loved this part! Slippers and a robe!!!
THANK YOU JENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)

Lastly - My cute husband left this for me when I got home from work.

I love these!